National Information

Official Name: Glamorgannwg Micro-nation of Indigenous People
Short Name: Glamorgannwg
Language: English and Welsh
National Flag: Glamorgannwg National Flag
National Crest:
National Anthem: Cariad, Heddwch a Rhyddid Am Byth (Love, Peace and Freedom Forever)

Currency: GBP, trade, MATIC, National Cryptocurrency in progress
National Dress: Natural Earth Colours and Natural Fibres, Protective Crystals
Motto: Love not hate, build not destroy, heal not harm.
Population: 34 (as at March 2024)
Territory: To be established within the land known as South Wales of Great Britain
Timezone: Time is an illusion, but for convenience we use GMT and BST
Founding date: 21st June 2022 (Summer Solstice)
Founders: Danielle Bryant
Lloyd Bryant
Vanessa Bryant
Mark Cawkwell
Constitution: The Constitution of Glamorgannwg
Laws: Standing under Natural Law upholding our Constitution with our own Self-determination
Form of Government: National Council: Founders and National Representatives – responsible for National development, business and relations

People’s Council: People’s Representatives and People of Glamorgannwg – responsible for events, activities, education and issues affecting the People

National Council: Chief of Nation: Danielle Bryant

National Representative for Technology and Development: Lloyd Bryant

National Representative for Office and Affairs: Vanessa Bryant

National Representative for Justice: Mark Cawkwell

National Holidays: Founder’s Day: 31st May

Independence Day: Summer Solstice (June 20th/21st)

Constitution Day: 22nd August

History Day: 31st August (in honour of Alan Wilson, Baram Blackett and Ross Broadstock)