Notice of Trust – Glamorgan SCT

Notice of Trust

The Glamorgan Sovereign Community Trust

To Whom It May Concern
This notice is set-out for the purpose of gleaning all public notices and deeds in relation to the privately held Express Trust ‘
The Glamorgan Sovereign Community Trust’.

The Trust:

The Trust was originally granted, declared, expressed verbally on the 21st May 2021. The purpose was placing the legal titles of several private family trusts into a community trust for the additional protection of the private family trusts, the Trustees will also distribute their sweat equity and any benefits of the Glamorgan Sovereign Community Trust’s ‘Trust Property’ to the Beneficiaries in keeping with all of the provisions and conditions contained within the Declaration of Trust.

The Settlors declare that The Trust operates in accordance with natural law and sentient conscience and therefore exists without the United Kingdom and is foreign to the United Kingdom Corporation; The Trust is not to be construed under any statutory or common law rulings, but rather under Ecclesiastical and Exclusive Equity. The Trust, therefore, is a private Trust under the exclusive and inherent Jurisdiction of Equity [Earl of Oxford’s case (1615) 1 Ch Rep 1].

Public Notice:

Notice of Interest and Intent was given online at on 31st May 2021.

Notice of Assignment and Statement of Interest was given online at on 31st May 2021.

The Settlors confirm by this Notice, that the Trust Property, the Trust Declaration and all legal and equitable interests and titles to the Trust Property, have been transferred to the trustees of the Trust [Paul v Paul (1882) 20 Ch D 742].

Rules of Certainty:

Certainty of Intent: It is evident by way of the Deed, the ‘Special Deed of Trust’ (a summary of the Trust Declaration) that the Settlor’s Mark Cawkwell, Danielle Bryant, Lloyd Bryant, Vanessa Bryant and Menna Jones sentient living beings, intended to create a Trust for the purposes as defined in the privately held Trust Declaration. [Paul versus Constance 1976] [Jones versus Lock 1865] [Re Kayford Ltd (in liquidation) 1975].

Certainty of Subject Matter: The Trust is created for the special purpose of protection of the private family trusts which are its beneficiaries; the trust property being defined in the trust declaration under section 10 “THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE TRUST” created by the Settlors, where all rights, interests, legal and equitable titles are claimed by the Settlors and then transferred by the Settlors to the Trust [Milroy v Lord 1862] [London Wine Company (shippers Limited 1986)].

Certainty of Objects: The parties to the Trust are certain and are clearly defined on the ‘Deed of Trust’ a summary of the Trust Declaration.

The Rules of Certainly as defined herein this Notice are based on the authority of Alastair Hudson’s book ‘Equity and Trusts’ 7th Edition. Hudson is a Professor of Equity and Law at Queen Mary University, London. The said Rules of Certainty are also found to be precedent in the case of Knight .v. Knight 1840.

DECLARED BY Lloyd Bryant, Danielle Bryant, Vanessa Bryant, Mark Cawkwell & Menna Jones on 31st May 2021.