Glamorgannwg Indigenous Nation

While Glamorgan SCT began as a Sovereign Community Trust, we feel we are evolving into the realm of being a Indigenous Nation, and this description/name is actually more in line with our future goals and aspirations.

At our community gathering in July 2022, we (the trustees) explained that we wanted to get back to our original mission of creating a brighter future for humanity, as it had felt recently we had been caught up in a ‘fight’ of force between us and the system, which had led our workshops and gatherings to feel more like a legal clinic.

Everyone agreed that fighting with force is in itself a low vibration activity, and not helpful to moving forward.

Initially, we were building our micro-nation with our power coming from the high vibration of self determination, freedom and sovereignty, rather than staying in the system and trying to fight our way through.

We are now stepping back into that power.

To facilitate this, we have decided to create a separation between the SCT and the sovereign micro-nation aspects of our community. We feel we have evolved in this way.

In simple terms, we have become a Indigenous Nation of indigenous people who are protected by a Sovereign Community Trust.

To this end, we have named our nation separate to the SCT. This is to differentiate it between the Glamorgan that exists within the UK system, and the SCT which is now the administrative and protective aspect of the nation.

The name we have come up with is Glamorgannwg Indigenous Nation – this is a mix of the Welsh and English versions of Glamorgan, symbolising unity and balance between nations.

We will strive to gain international recognition as an autonomous Indigneous Nation rather than an SCT, and this will still be aligned with UCT. But this means that in future we are not only beneficiaries of Glamorgan SCT but also Indgenous Nationals, or People, of Glamorgannwg, and each status will be helpful for different goals and issues.

We feel that this is a positive move for the future, giving more clarity in how we are moving forward.

Over the coming months, we will be putting various things in place to facilitate our mission of establishing ourselves as a Nation, but for the most part these will be subtle changes in intention, focus and objectives. You may also notice some changes happening such as website and social media group changes, and amendments to our future goals to become more aligned with our mission to establish ourselves as a recognised Indigenous Nation under separate jurisdiction to the UK.

We will continue to keep our community members and the wider community abreast of these changes through our social media and weekly/monthly gatherings where you are welcome to ask questions or have input into any decisions we make.

What does this mean for you?

  • Beneficiaries of Glamorgan SCT are also Sovereign Nationals of Glamorgannwg
  • We will be focusing on achieving international recognition which will give us a certain diplomatic status
  • We will remain aligned with UCT and stand under the UCT Treaty
  • With our focus on being a self-determined Sovereign Nation, we are able to move forward with goals independently of any external reliance or influence. In certain cases, this may help us move forward with greater efficiency
  • Our community will focus upon standing in our own power to create a new system rather than fighting the old system

We will be striving to ensure that our workshops and gatherings have a positive focus offering solutions and messages of hope for the future to facilitate the empowerment of all our community.

A collective of Empowered People will create a powerful Nation!

We hope this comes as positive news to all our community members and we welcome comments, input and questions.