This month’s workshop is a presentation on Micronation by co-founder Mark. He will cover topics such as what a Micronation is, how they work and how they can become recognised by other nations, and look at many other Micronations around the world, including those that are well-established and successful.
Citizens and interested parties welcome to join us and find out what we are doing.
Workshops are held in the beautiful Upper Tower Room of Twyn Community Centre in Caerphilly, overlooking the Castle. Use the entrance nearest the car park and go straight up the stairs.
Refreshments and light snacks are available by donation.
Donations: To cover hall hire and costs, donations for workshops are gratefully received from those not contributing regularly. Suggested Donations for non-members is £5.
IMPORTANT – Event Changes & Cancellations!
While we endeavour to keep this website up-to-date, last minute event changes and cancellations of events and meetings will be announced in our social media groups as it is the most efficient way of reaching everyone at short notice. Therefore please be sure to check our social media for updates before travelling!