The Biological Laws of Nature originially scheduled for tonight has been postponed.Mark has offered to give a Debt &Case Study Workshop in place if there are sufficient numbers.
Please vote on Telegram in the poll to let us know if you wish to come, or book on here. We will only run this workshop if there are sufficient numbers!
There is a suggested donation of £5 for non-members. Please book below and pay cash on the night.
Drinks and snacks are available at the theatre bar. You are welcome to come along by 6.30pm to settle for the workshop.
Please note we will begin promptly at 7pm!
IMPORTANT – Event Changes & Cancellations!
While we endeavour to keep this website up-to-date, last minute event changes and cancellations of events and meetings will be announced in our social media groups as it is the most efficient way of reaching everyone at short notice. Therefore please be sure to check our social media for updates before travelling!
BOOKING NOTE: If you have previously booked on this website you will have been automatically registered. To make further bookings you need to log in. If you don’t know your password, go to log in and reset your password by clicking the lost password link.
Bookings are closed for this event.