Wind Farm Flyers & Resources

PLEASE SHARE AND PRINT THIS CAMPAIGN AND THESE FLYERS IN YOUR AREA! They are free from copyright. Thank you to the Moelfre2022 campaign for some of this information. General South Wales Full information Factsheet & leaflet, as below CLICK HERE to download a printable PDF copy.

Protection of our Countryside – Say No to Large-scale Wind Farms

UPDATED FLYERS WITH UPDATED QR CODES HERE FOR TAKING ACTION, PLEASE VIEW OUR SUB PAGE HERE FURTHER INFO: Whether you believe there is any value to wind farms or not, Wales already produces almost twice as much electricity as it uses, so increasing our production is not even of benefit to us in Wales, only…

Boycott Cashless Businesses!

At our People’s Council on 5th April it was agreed that as a community we would boycott all cashless businesses and pay by any means except card as much as possible! Please share these flyers!

Fluoridation Campaign & Info

We have all been brought up thinking that fluoride is good for our teeth and it is almost impossible to find a dentist that will say anything bad about it. But there is a reason for this. Dental professionals are governed by a code of practice that prohibits them from saying anything bad about it.…