Wind Farm Flyers & Resources

PLEASE SHARE AND PRINT THIS CAMPAIGN AND THESE FLYERS IN YOUR AREA! They are free from copyright. Thank you to the Moelfre2022 campaign for some of this information. General South Wales Full information Factsheet & leaflet, as below CLICK HERE to download a printable PDF copy.

What Can I Do to Help Stop the Wind Farms?

Please read our main campaign page HERE Click HERE for the Factsheet flyers to download and print. This really is a mammoth-sized campaign, as there is so much wrong with the way all these wind farm proposals are being executed. It can feel quite overwhelming when we wonder how to even begin to fight this…

Protection of our Countryside – Say No to Large-scale Wind Farms

UPDATED FLYERS WITH UPDATED QR CODES HERE FOR TAKING ACTION, PLEASE VIEW OUR SUB PAGE HERE FURTHER INFO: Whether you believe there is any value to wind farms or not, Wales already produces almost twice as much electricity as it uses, so increasing our production is not even of benefit to us in Wales, only…

Founders Attend Microcon 2023

The Founders of Glamorgannwg attended MicroCon 2023 EU in mid-August 2023. The below report on Microcon was written by Kathryn Newey of Drunemeton (based on our verbal account of the trip). Around 17 micronations, many from various parts within Europe but some from as far afield as Indonesia and the USA, were represented at Micro-Con…

Boycott Cashless Businesses!

At our People’s Council on 5th April it was agreed that as a community we would boycott all cashless businesses and pay by any means except card as much as possible! Please share these flyers!

What is Self-Determination?

Why is the concept of Self-Determination so important? Firstly, what is ‘self-determination’? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it variously as: Self-determined/Self-determination: Determined by oneself; Free choice of one’s own acts or states without external compulsion; Determination by the people of a territorial unit of their own future political status; Decisions made for oneself and/or one’s group without outside…

Nations Vs Micro-nations

We believe that a Micro-Nation is simply a small Nation, perhaps because of its small geographical territory, or its small population. But what makes a nation a Nation, or a micro-nation into a Micro-Nation? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, part of the definition of ‘nation’ is: “A community of people composed of one or more nationalities…

Who are Indigenous Peoples?

Relevant Treaties and Conventions: Indigenous Peoples United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007: The first 5 Articles, of the full 46 Articles, read as follows: Article 1 Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in…

Natural Law Vs Common Law

Natural Law is loosely defined as the set of laws of the universe, god-given laws, and/or our knowledge of good and evil, which exist within us and which are, at the same time, exterior to humans’ minds or consciousness. Animals as well as humans often act subconsciously according to the principles of Natural Law. Many…