Workshops, Classes & Gatherings

At present we meet in the auditorium of Caerphilly Workmen’s Hall on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month.

Monthly Gatherings on the First Wednesday of the month

We have a People’s Gathering from 6.30pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Interested parties are also welcome to attend, but please check with us first.

In the first part of the evening, the Founders will update you on current happenings and events, and we will have an open discussion on future planning, general admin and moving forward.

At the People’s Gatherings, we have an hour slot for anyone in the community who wishes to give a talk or demonstration on what they do, and this takes up the second part of the evening. This could be a craft, their business, their interest or research, or anything like that. We are also open to requests for small talks from people outside the community on topics that may be of interest. So if you have something you want to offer, please get in touch!When there is no talk arranged, the second part of the evening is for social connection.

If you wish to have a 1-2-1 consultation about a specific issue with a Founder or a trustee of Cymru Trust, or book an Approval interview, please advise us beforehand so we can allocate time or book in the event for that evening.

There are refreshments and light snacks available provided by the bar at the hall.

Monthly Workshops on the 3rd Wednesday of the month

We have various workshops planned each 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Hall for our People, or those who have taken the steps towards joining us.

Some of these workshops include:

Debt/Legal workshop or talk with Mark – learn about Natural Law, Common Law, tactics for handling Debt, legal issues and building our micro-nation!

Well-being Workshops with Danielle & Lloyd – learn about natural health, nutrition, discover suppressed biological science, acquire valuable self-help skills, and much more!

Tech/Crypto Workshop with Lloyd – learn about the world of cryptocurrency, set up your own wallets and learn about cyber security and more!

Craft Skills Workshop with Nessie – come along to learn more about crafts or to share your own craft skills, or just bring an item that you are currrently working on and have a chat with friends. Or simply just come along to have a cuppa and natter!

Guest Speakers – from time to time we may also invite guest speakers or have workshops run by our beneficiaries with specific skills or knowledge of topics of interest to the community!

At each workshop and meeting there is a refreshements bar with snacks available.



We currently have no regular weekly classes.

A Diary of Events is available in the EVENTS area of this website.